The History of the Central Junction Line – the N scale model railroad of the DelMarVa Model Railroad Club
In 1985, a year after the DelMarVa Model Railroad Club was formed, our Club was informed of a defunct N-Scale club that had a layout under construction in Salisbury, MD. We made arrangements with the other Club to acquire it for our Club. The layout was cut into sections and then moved into the main layout room next to the O scale layout and re-assembled. Some of the members of the Salisbury Club joined our Club and continued building it along with dome of our regular Club members. The layout consisted of benchwork only with no track and no scenery or control system. After it was re-assembled and track was laid, the control system selected was DC via several DC power packs. The original name of the railroad was the East New Market, Athol and Queen Anne RR.
In 1995 the DC control system was replaced by a Lenz DCC control system.
In early 2000, the mainline was redesigned and an expansion was added to the end of the layout nearest the HO and O scale layouts. (The layout was originally designed as a Point to Point railroad when our Club received it. After this redesign, it was converted to a Continuous Run type of Folded Dog-bone configuration.) The railroad was renamed after the extension was added.
Around 2008, the Lenz DCC control system was replaced by the more popular Digitrax DCC system.
Although the layout was running, and a significant amount of scenery on it, a major re-modeling was started in 2011. This work included new scenery upgrades and changes as well as some major re-wiring to conform with DCC wiring practices.
In 2014, the main yard was completely re-modeled and changed using a new track plan.
Also in 2014, it was determined that we would use model airplane servos and Tam Valley servo controllers for all switch machines not yet installed. It was also determined that all Atlas toy-like machines that were very visible would be removed and converted to servos. There are only four tortoise machines and six twin coil machines presently installed.
In 2017, it was determined that we should start looking towards model railroad operations. A scheme was designed, towns were named (or renamed), sidings and industries were named and cars for the industries and tracks were designated. This information was put into a computer program called Rail Op, which would be the operations program. The program will print switch lists which the operators will use to run their trains by, picking up and setting out cars at the various industries around the layout. However, before operations can begin, all swicth machines and control panels must be installed and wired up. This was started in 2018 and is currently being worked on, and will be completed in 2019.
Re-modeling is still taking place as of 2018.
The layout has now grown into a large layout with very interesting scenery, and it is being improved weekly. The wiring is still being up-dated as defects are found, and the scenery is continuing to be either re-freshened or re-done.
Since we first acquired the layout, many different N Scale modelers have come and gone, all contributing to the layout one way or another to make it what it is today. At one point, there was only one person working on the layout for a while. After he departed, another modeler took it over. During this time, the name of the railroad was lost and was renamed the Central Junction Line. As time went by, new members were added and things progressed more rapidly, both scenery wise and electrical wise. It is still a work in progress but there is a definite goal that the members are working towards.