October Dispatcher’s Report

We conducted our final, HO scale operations session for 2023 on Saturday, October 14th. Thefirst train rolled out from Parkersburg High Yard at 12:30pm, with the last train tying up at 4:20pm.There were 16 operators present including the Superintendent, the Dispatcher, the ParkersburgHigh yardmaster (PH), the Parkersburg Low Yardmaster, the Chillicothe yardmaster (CH), theMidland Steel…

September Dispatcher’s Report

John A. Nawn, Chief Dispatcher Our HO scale September operations session was conducted on Saturday, September 16th. The session started promptly at Noon with the last train completing its work by 4:50 PM. There were 12 operators present including the Superintendent, the Dispatcher, the Parkersburg High yardmaster (PH), the Parkersburg Low Yardmaster, and Chillicothe yardmaster…

August Dispatcher’s Report

John A. Nawn, Chief Dispatcher Our HO scale August operations session was conducted on Saturday, August 12th. The session started slightly after Noon due to an intermittent electrical problem in Parkersburg High Yard. Once started, the session lasted 4 hours. There were 19 operators present including the Superintendent, the Dispatcher, the Parkersburg High yardmaster (PH),…

July Dispatchers Report

Our HO scale June operations session was conducted on Saturday, July 7th. The session started promptly at noon with the last operator signing off at 3:45 PM. There were 18 operators present including the Superintendent, the Dispatcher, the Parkersburg High yardmaster (PH) and assistant yardmaster, the Parkersburg Low Yardmaster and assistant yardmaster, Chillicothe yardmaster (CH)…